
The Okapi: Time For A Strange Animal


An okapi is an animal which is a mix of a giraffe and a zebra! Okapi’s live in the Ituri Rainforest, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are more related to giraffes, even though they look like zebra’s. There are about 10 thousand to 20 thousand okapi’s in the wild. The okapi is said to be near threatened, so if we don’t hurt them they should continue to grow in numbers. The zebra marks on the okapis body are maybe used to help the children follow their mothers, because they don’t exctly camouflage with the rainforest. Okapis have much shorter necks than giraffe’s, but the body is very similar. They have long – 35 centimeter – blue tongues that help take leaves from high trees, etc. okapis also use their useful tongues to to clean their noses, eyees ears and more. Okapis are about 1.9 to 2.5 meters long and they reach about a maximum shoulder height of 2 meters.As you can tell, Okapi’s are very interesting animals that you can research more about them if you search them on Google or Wikepedia, which is where I got most of my info. Thanks also to my friend Idan who introduced me to these strange animals on the first day of school, and so I decided I wanted to share them with you.


Come here soon to see our next post, maybe about a Christmassy animal. Remember, any ideas, comments, imrovements, just type below and help us make our website popular by showing it to you friends as well. This is the website. Thank you for tuning in on this weeks post about….ANIMALS OF OUR WORLD! Thank you again,

Clarie and Franci99

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